Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hive Mind Manifesto

This page is for any soul who's tired of hearing glorified answers to unasked questions, worn out by unprovoked acts of petty vengeance, and exhausted from paying ransom for sane moments of humanity. Ever heard the parable of The Frog and the Scorpion? Does it seem that many in our society would laugh at the gullible frog and think no more of it? "No good deed goes unpunished, ha ha." Does it seem that a few would contemptuously berate the incompetent frog for his part in drowning the mighty scorpion?

I'm starting to suspect that the scorpions filling our prisons and the ones engineering brutal wars that profit a mere handful have much more in common than the frogs of the world want to believe. The difference is that the ones in prison are often able to receive psychological treatment, and studies have shown it to have more benefit than all the punishment the world can muster.

I want to turn my rage into realization, my pessimism into inspiration, and all my other coping mechanisms into working methodologies. Even if it's a fool's dream and the scorpions have dug in too deep...I will not let them go down smiling as I question the logic of their motives. I will instead contemplate this 'nature', and accept that it is indeed folly to bargain for trust. It is not a currency one can spend or acquire, and such illusory exchanges have funded the scorpions' nihilistic fantasies for too long.

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